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Breaking Advances in Neurology: A Recap of American Academy of Neurology 2015 Conference

Breaking Advances in Neurology: A Recap of American Academy of Neurology 2015 Conference

Are you fascinated with the workings of the brain and nervous system? Then, the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 2015 is an event that will pique your interest.

The annual meeting held by the AAN always poses exciting new discoveries, ideas, and research in the field of neurology. At AAN 2015, attendees were treated to groundbreaking research that could potentially revolutionize the treatment of neurological conditions.

One notable study presented at AAN 2015 focused on the benefits of meditation for people with multiple sclerosis. The study reported that patients who practiced meditation had better mood, higher cognitive function, and lower levels of fatigue compared to those who didn't.

Another study presented at AAN 2015 looked into how sleep can affect brain function. The study revealed that sleep deprivation hits the brain cells worse than Alzheimer's, causing a significant amount of damage to neurons.

A staggering 12,000 attendees from over 100 countries gathered at AAN 2015, making it one of the most significant events in the field of neurology. Experts shared their insights, research, and learnings from their own experience.

At AAN 2015, attendees experienced highly informative and engaging sessions with prominent speakers such as Dr. Daniel H. Lowenstein, Dr. Andrew J. Cole, and Dr. Lynda Chin. The event covered everything from stroke and dementia to neurophysiology and electrophysiology.

AAN 2015 also featured more than 2,300 posters, presenting innovative research in various fields of neurology. These posters allowed attendees to ask questions firsthand and get fully immersed in the presented studies.

Attendees at AAN 2015 were also treated to several hands-on workshops, providing practical experience in cutting-edge procedures and techniques. One such workshop enabled attendees to interpret and diagnose a wide range of EEG patterns.

One of the most exciting announcements made at AAN 2015 was the establishment of a new award for women in neurology. The award recognizes and celebrates women who make significant contributions to neurology research, paving the way for gender diversity in the field.

As the event finally came to a close, attendees left with more knowledge, insights, and inspiration than ever before. The American Academy of Neurology continues to create these opportunities for learning and growth in the field of neurology.

In conclusion, if you are passionate about neurology, then the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting should be on your radar. With ground-breaking research, expert speakers, practical workshops, and networking opportunities, it's an event that should not be missed.

A Brief Overview of the American Academy of Neurology 2015 Conference

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) is one of the largest professional organizations worldwide, specializing in neurological disorders. Every year, the AAN conducts a meeting, which is attended by members and attendees from different parts of the world, where the latest advancements related to neurology are discussed. The AAN conference in 2015 was a memorable event, as it saw the presentation of groundbreaking developments in the field of neurology.

Emerging Treatments for Neurological Disorders

One of the most significant topics at the American Academy of Neurology 2015 was the introduction of several emerging therapies, such as the use of deep brain stimulation for treating psychiatric disorders such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Other treatments include medical marijuana for treating multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, and new drug treatments for Alzheimer's disease that focus on halting the progression of the disease instead of symptom management.

Promising Research Studies

Throughout the conference, there were myriad presentations on promising research studies that have the potential to revolutionize the way neurology is practiced. For instance, a genome study looking at the relationship between genetic factors and brain disorders, which could lead to personalized treatment options for individuals with neurological disorders. Additionally, various innovative technologies were discussed, such as nerve stimulation therapy and gene editing techniques for treating diseases like Parkinson's.

Neurological Care Innovations

Another topic that generated considerable interest at the conference was the advancements in neurological care innovations. Some of the new innovations that were presented include wearable devices that measure movement, posture, and tremors in Parkinson's patients, new scanning procedures for early detection of brain disorders, and online self-assessments to monitor cognitive impairment in aging individuals.

Educational Sessions and Leadership Courses

Apart from the scientific sessions, there were also a series of educational lectures and leadership courses at the 2015 AAN conference. These sessions covered an array of topics, such as communication skills, leadership development, and medical ethics. Attendees had the opportunity to network with experts in the field of neurology and learn about the latest research developments and strategies for promoting quality patient care.

Evaluation of Clinical Guidelines

Several evaluative studies were presented at the conference, including clinical guidelines that were established to manage neurological disorders. These guidelines are designed to help clinicians in making an accurate diagnosis, prescribing appropriate medications and establishing optimal treatment plans based on the individual patient’s characteristics.

The Importance of Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

The American Academy of Neurology 2015 conference highlighted the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration to address complex neurological disorders. With people from different fields sharing their expertise and insights, attending the conference widened the attendees understanding of how neurology is intertwined with various other disciplines such as engineering, psychology, and genetics.

Patient-Centered Care and Improved Outcomes

Patient-centered care was another central theme at the conference. The emphasis throughout the event was on improving outcomes for patients with neurological disorders by putting the needs of the patient first. Attendees learned about the importance of ensuring that patients and families are part of the decision-making process and are provided with adequate support and resources to cope with the emotional and psychological effects of living with a neurological disorder.


Overall, The American Academy of Neurology 2015 conference was an informative and innovative event that demonstrated significant improvements in the field of neurology. Both attendees and presenters alike were able to share their knowledge and discoveries, facilitating multi-disciplinary collaboration in the hopes of improving patient outcomes worldwide. It is through these conferences that ongoing research can be shared, new collaborations formed, and innovative treatments for neurological disorders are discovered.

Comparison Blog Article: American Academy Of Neurology 2015


The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) provides an annual conference to neurologists and healthcare professionals from around the world. The event offers various educational programs, scientific sessions, and exhibits to showcase advanced technologies and treatments for various neurological conditions. In this comparison blog article, we will compare the AAN 2015 conference with its previous events in terms of attendance, diversity, scientific breakthroughs, and more.



The AAN 2015 conference in Washington D.C. had an attendance of over 13,000 neurologists, neuroscience professionals, and exhibitors from 94 countries.


The AAN 2014 conference in Philadelphia had an attendance of nearly 14,000 attendees.

Comparing Attendances

Although the AAN 2015 conference had a slightly lesser attendance than the previous year's event, it still managed to draw an impressive number of attendees from different countries with diverse cultures and backgrounds.



The AAN 2015 conference offered various diversity-related programs, such as Women in Leadership and Diversity in Neurology, to promote inclusivity and celebrate diversity in the field of medicine.


The AAN 2014 conference also provided diversity programming, including a Transitioning to Retirement session that catered to neurologists nearing the end of their career.

Comparing Diversity Efforts

Both conferences demonstrated a concerted effort to promote diversity and inclusivity in the field of neurology through various educational programs and sessions.

Scientific Breakthroughs


The AAN 2015 conference presented several significant scientific breakthroughs, such as the first report of successful use of deep brain stimulation therapy for Alzheimer's disease.


The AAN 2014 conference showcased notable scientific breakthroughs, including a new study that linked traumatic brain injuries to an increased risk of Parkinson's disease.

Comparing Scientific Advancements

Both conferences featured important scientific breakthroughs in the field of neurology, giving attendees the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research and treatments.

Technology and Treatment


The AAN 2015 conference presented various technological advancements, such as mobile apps that can help with diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis.


The AAN 2014 conference offered exhibitors showcasing the latest technology in the field of neurology.

Comparing Technology and Treatment

While both conferences focused on the latest technology and treatments in the field of neurology, the AAN 2015 conference highlighted more practical applications, such as mobile apps, for healthcare professionals and patients.

Social Media Engagement


The AAN 2015 conference utilized social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, to engage with attendees and promote the event to a broader audience.


The AAN 2014 conference also used social media engagement to connect with attendees, but its efforts were not as extensive as the 2015 conference.

Comparing Social Media Engagement

The AAN 2015 conference utilized social media platforms to a greater extent than its previous counterpart, making it more accessible and engaging for attendees and a broader audience.


In conclusion, both the AAN 2015 and AAN 2014 conferences were successful events that aimed to promote diversity, present scientific breakthroughs, highlight the latest technologies and treatments, and engage with attendees through social media. The AAN 2015 conference stood out for its practical applications of the latest technology and apps, as well as its extensive social media engagement. However, both conferences were important opportunities for neurologists and healthcare professionals worldwide to connect and learn from one another, further contributing to the field of neurology's progress and advancement.

A Guide to American Academy of Neurology 2015


The American Academy of Neurology is an annual event that brings together neurologists from around the world to discuss current practices and advancements in neurology. The conference consists of lectures, workshops, poster presentations, and networking opportunities. In the following article, we will provide tips and tutorials on how to make the most out of this event.


Before attending the conference, do your research. The official website contains the program schedule, abstracts of presentations, and important dates such as registration and submission deadlines. Plan your itinerary based on your interests and make sure to download the conference app to access the latest information.

Bring Business Cards

You will meet many new people during the conference, and exchanging business cards is vital for networking. Make sure to bring enough business cards, and consider creating a unique design that stands out.

Dress Appropriately

The conference is a professional setting, so it's important to dress appropriately. Business attire is recommended, but comfortable shoes are crucial as you will be doing a lot of walking.

During the Conference

Upon arrival, pick up your conference badge and program. Attend the opening ceremony to get an overview of the event and take advantage of the welcome reception to network with fellow attendees.

Attend Workshops

The conference offers various workshops that provide a more interactive learning experience. Workshops cover a wide range of topics, from assessments in neurodegenerative disorders to movement disorders. Sign up for workshops that align with your interests and take advantage of the small-group atmosphere to ask questions and engage in discussion.

Poster Sessions

Poster sessions offer an opportunity to showcase ongoing research projects, gather feedback, and exchange ideas. Attend poster presentations and network with poster presenters, who are often early-career researchers. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn about the latest research in your field.


Networking is one of the most important aspects of attending conferences. Make sure to attend social events such as receptions and dinners, engage in discussion with other attendees during breaks, and introduce yourself to speakers after their presentations.

After the Conference

The conference may be over, but there are still opportunities to continue networking and learning from the event.


After the conference, follow up with new contacts via email or LinkedIn. Let them know that you enjoyed meeting them and consider scheduling a follow-up call or meeting to discuss possible collaborations or job opportunities.

Read Abstracts

Review abstracts of presentations that you missed or want to delve deeper into. Use this information to inform your practice or research.

Apply What You've Learned

The conference will provide you with new insights, techniques, and research findings. Make sure to incorporate what you've learned into your practice or research and continue to stay informed about the latest advancements in neurology.


Attending the American Academy of Neurology can be a valuable experience for neurologists. By following the tips and tutorials provided in this article, you can make the most out of the event and continue to build relationships and knowledge in your field.

Closing Message for Visitors of American Academy of Neurology 2015

Congratulations! You have reached the end of our blog post about the American Academy of Neurology 2015. We hope you enjoyed reading through our detailed report on this stellar event which brought together some of the world's leading neurologists to explore and discuss the latest developments in the field of neuroscience.

The American Academy of Neurology 2015 was a significant event in the medical world because it offered a platform for practitioners to exchange knowledge, share ideas, and network with other professionals. Attendees had an opportunity to attend several sessions on a range of topics that covered everything from emerging technologies to breakthrough therapies for neurological conditions. The wealth of information shared by speakers was exceptional and has the potential to result in significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.

We believe that our blog post has successfully captured the essence of this essential conference while also helping you understand why it is crucial for neurologists to attend such events. By providing some background information on the event, highlighting some of the most interesting sessions and insights shared, we hope that our reporting has given you a better understanding of the importance of keeping up with the latest advances in neurological research.

We also hope that our report has given you a glimpse into what it is like to attend such an event firsthand. While we have tried our best to convey the atmosphere, excitement, and buzz of the conference, there is nothing quite like experiencing it for yourself. We encourage all of our readers to consider attending future editions of the American Academy of Neurology conference or other similar events in their field.

Importantly, one of the takeaways of this event was that updated neurological knowledge could have a positive impact on patient outcomes. Therefore, it's not just neurologists who should take interest in the latest developments in the field, but also patients who are living with neurological disorders. We encourage patients to stay informed and connected by using trusted resources like the American Academy of Neurology website for the latest information on advances in neurological research and treatments.

Finally, we want to conclude by thanking you for reading our blog post. We hope you found it informative and engaging. Our team remains committed to presenting our readers with thought-provoking content related to healthcare and medical research, so stay tuned for future posts. We look forward to providing you with more insights on the latest medical breakthroughs as they unfold.

Once again, thank you for stopping by and reading our blog post about the American Academy of Neurology 2015. Stay inspired and stay curious!

What is the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 2015?


The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 2015 was a conference held by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) in Washington, DC from April 18-25, 2015. The conference aimed to provide neurologists and healthcare professionals with the latest research and advancements in the field of neurology.

What topics were discussed at the conference?

During the AAN 2015 conference, a wide range of topics were discussed. Some of the most notable topics included:

  1. Alzheimer's disease
  2. Parkinson's disease
  3. Stroke
  4. Epilepsy
  5. Migraines and headaches
  6. Multiple sclerosis
  7. Neurodegenerative diseases
  8. Brain tumors

Who attended the conference?

The AAN 2015 conference was attended by a number of different professionals in the field of neurology. Some of the attendees included:

  • Neurologists
  • Neuroscience researchers
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Neurotherapists
  • Nurses and nurse practitioners
  • Pharmacists
  • Other healthcare professionals with an interest in neurology

What did attendees gain from attending the conference?

By attending the AAN 2015 conference, attendees gained access to a wide range of educational resources and networking opportunities. They were able to learn about the latest research and advancements in the field of neurology, and connect with other professionals in the industry.


The AAN 2015 conference was a valuable event for anyone interested in the field of neurology. It provided attendees with access to the latest research and advancements in the industry, and was a great opportunity to network and connect with other professionals in the field.